Quotation Docs

Customize Quotation strings

You can customize Quotation strings creating your own translation files:

Create woocommerce-quotation-en_US.po and woocommerce-quotation-en_US.mo

Use Poedit to create and edit it.

1- Using poedit, open woocommerce-quotation.po (you´ll find it in woocommerce-quotation/languages)

2- Save it as woocommerce-quotation-en_US.po

3- Translate only the text strings that you need to customize,  eg: ‘Return to Shop’

4- Save (When you save the file woocommerce-quotation-en_US.mo will be created in the same directory)

5- Upload woocommerce-quotation-en_US.po and woocommerce-quotation-en_US.mo to:
– languages
– – plugins
– – – woocommerce-quotation-en_US.po
– – – woocommerce-quotation-en_US.mo