Add to Cart

A license entitles you to 1 year of updates and support. Each installation of the plugin will require a licence key in order for you to receive updates and support.


Share and $20 off will be applied to your purchase at checkout.

Purchasing a license you will be able to automatically update your plugin from the WordPress backend also you will get support using our support system. And of course you are actively promoting the evolution of the plugin. Thanks!


Supports all WooCommerce product types
Manage the visibility of the Add To Quote button, Add To Cart button and Price per store, Category (taxonomy/terms) and single product. For everyone or only to registered customers that have been assigned a specific role
Manage the visibility of the Add To Quote button, Add To Cart button and Price for everyone or only to registered customers that have been assigned a specific role
Show the ‘Add to quote’ button even if the produc is out of stock
Force show ‘Add to quote’ button for out-of-stock products
Enable Add To Quote button in WooCommerce catalog lists
Custom text for the ‘Add to quote’ button


Customer accepts or declines the proposal via email and my account links
Show/hide pay link in email and my account pages for accepted proposals
Enable payments for out of stock products. Applicable for products that do not manage the stock and are out of stock. For all other cases, configure the ‘backorders’ option in the product inventory configuration.
Redirect customer to checkout, my account or custom url after accepting or declining the proposal
Admin accepts proposals using the backend of WooCommerce, useful when customers accept proposals by telephone, email and other media
Manual or automatic creation and submission of proposals
Customer notes via proposal detail page
Configure, enable/disable the quotation emails from WooCommerce setting > emails
Send email to multiple administrators
Advanced email customization just like overriding WooCommerce templates


Customer quote request via WooCommerce frontend
Create quote request via WooCommerce backend
Returning customer login reminder
Login / Register form
Request for a quote without creating an account
Configurable WooCommerce form
Add extra fields using Contact Form 7 plugin
Let customers add specific product notes in quote list
Let customers add general comments to the request
Enable WooCommerce terms and conditions
WooCommerce shipping support: Enable/Disable/Customer choice
Shipping destination: Default to shipping address, Default to billing address, Only ship to the users billing address. (Inherit from WooCommerce settings)
Shipping display mode: Dispplay/hide shiping costs


Auto-Generation of Quote PDF using WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips plugin
Set proposal reminder date
Set proposal expiration date
Reminders and expiry emails
Additional comments and attachments per proposal
Enter shopowner comments per product
Add / Delete products
Custom price per product
Custom fees per proposal
Shipping price per proposal
WooCommerce taxes calculation
WooCommerce total calculation
Send proposal notes to the customer via WooCommerce backend


Developed making intensive use of the WooCommerce and WordPress APIs so it is compatible with many Woocommerce plugins. The following plugins have been tested successfully in our demo.

WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips
WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips Professional
WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips Premium Templates
WooCommerce multilingual
WPML multilingual plugin
WooCommerce Ultimate Multi Currency Suite
WooCommerce All in One Currency Converter
WooCommerce Product Add Ons
WooCommerce TM Extra Product Option
WooCommerce Deposits


For better customer service. Personal and proactive.

Ticket support system for WooCommerce Quotation


Secure automatic software updates through the WordPress dashboard.

Automatic WooCommerce quotation updates


money-back-img-newWhen you buy our request for quote plugin, you get a 30 days moneyback guarantee. This means that if you are not satisfied with the plugin you can ask for ALL your money back. You can make a refund request through our Ticket System



* indicates required

Request for quote settings

Quotation images

Is Woocommerce Quotation running on WordPress netwok installations?


Can I create a quick quote request form?

Yes, you can select what billing fields are visible and required. So, if you want a quick proccess only set the email as visible and required.

Can I customise the request for quote form?

Yes, using Contact Form 7 plugin.

Does it support Woocommerce grouped and variable products?

Yes, it does.

Can the customer select a shipping methods when request?

Yes, if you enable the shipping for Quote Requests, the customers can select an active Woocommerce shipping method.

Can we use this request for quote plugin with 'Table shipping rates' extension?


Does Quotation plugin work with my theme? 

Quotation plugin is compatible with most of the WordPress/Woocommerce themes.

Does this request for quote plugin support the WooCommerce Product Add Ons extension?

Yes, it does.

Does it support the TM Extra Product Option extension?

Yes, it does.

Does this request for quote plugin support the WooCommerce German Market extension?

Yes, if you are having issues on quote list page, please uncheck 'Disable checkout filters' checkbox in Woocommerce > Settings > Quotation

Request for quote plugin - Change log

3.0.7 - 08/05/2019

  • Feature - Compatibility with the template customizer. Added support for 'blocks' and 'columns'. 'WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips Premium Templates' integration.
  • Fix - Redirect to quote list page after add to cart
  • Fix - Dynamic title for the titles of the attached pdfs. 'WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips' integration.
  • Fix - pdf extension for attachments. 'WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips' integration.
  • Fix - {adq_valid_until} Empty placeholder when the proposal is created automatically.
  • Fix - Broken layout in emails using placeholders.
  • Fix - Duplicated emails.

3.0.6 - 06/03/2019

  • Feature - New option to configure the recipients of the emails sent by 'Quotation - Request for quote plugin' to the administrator.
  • Enhancement - Rebuilt the integration with WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips plugin.
    Created a new type of document for the plugin emails. Configurable from WooCommerce> PDF invoices> Document> Proforma by Quotation. Enabled placeholders to dynamize the title and name of the created file.
  • Enhancement - Improved usability on the 'Request Form' screen
  • Fix - Some minor issues.

3.0.5 - 13/02/2019

  • Feature - New shortcode to show the button 'Add to quote in posts, pages and sidebars. Eg. [adq-add-to-quote id=19]
  • Enhancement - Added flexibility in the request form for state/province field.
  • Fix - Validation issue in some installations when sending a quote request
  • Fix - Shipping issue in cart and checkout pages when Quotation disables the shipping
  • Fix - Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given in/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-quotation/functions/adq-global.php on line 316

3.0.4 - 05/02/2019

  • Feature - New option in the configuration to load WooCommerce styles. Improves compatibility with themes that disable WooCommerce styles. Selector for pages or for the entire website
  • Enhancement - Added pop up to improve usability when a customer tries to add a variable product to the budget without having selected any product option.
  • Enhancement - Updated the .mo and .po language files
  • Fix - fatal error when GLS for WooCommerce is active

3.0.3 - 25/01/2019

  • Enhancement - Improved usability for mobile devices
  • Fix - css icon in 'Quotation - Number of items in quote' widget

3.0.2 - 22/01/2019

  • Enhancement - Rebuilt management of the cookie
  • Fix - Improved compatibility with version 5.1 of Contact Form 7
  • Fix - Ajax issue in some installations when adding products to the request

3.0.1 - 19/12/2018

  • Feature - Additional recipients in the emails.
  • Fix - forms created with Contact Form 7 are not sent.

3.0.0 - 06/12/2018

  • Feature - Enable button 'Add To Quote' for out-of-stock products
  • Feature - Enable payments for out of stock products. Applicable for products that do not manage the stock and are out of stock. For all other cases, configure the 'backorders' option in the product inventory configuration.
  • Feature - Force show 'Add to quote' button for out-of-stock products.
  • Feature - Option to create new emails from backend to be used in the different steps of the quote request process.
  • Feature - Customization of emails using template tags from the backend: {site_title}, {order_number}, {order_date}, {adq_customer}, {adq_myaccount_link}, {adq_order_comments}, {adq_pay}, {adq_cf7}, {adq_request_list}, {adq_address}, {adq_accept}, {adq_reject} and {adq_order_note}.
  • Feature - Introduced module to  add compatibility with Woocommerce Deposits plugin and thus enable deposits and partial payments for quote requests.
  • Enhancement -Simplified and optimized the email template system. Replaced all the email templates by a single template: woocommerce-quotation/templates/adq-email-template.php
  • Enhancement - Replaced the Quotation options box on the product's edition page with a new tab in the WooCommerce box.
  • Fix - Shipping total in email template.
  • Fix - Contact Form 7 validation.
  • Fix - 'Hide shipping cost' option.
  • Dev - Rebuilt Quotation classes.
  • Dev - New class to manage all Quotation emails.
  • Dev - Introduced ‘adq_default_emails’ filter in ADQ_Email_Manager class, to add or modify the default emails.
  • Dev - Introduced ‘adq_form_fields’ filter in ADQ_Email class to modify the management fields of the emails.
  • Dev - Introduced ‘adq_order_statuses_options’ filter in ADQ_Email class to modify the status when adding them to the drop-down list in the email edition. Used in ADQ_Email_Manager class.
  • Dev - Introduced ‘adq_email_body_' . $email->id, to modify the content of the email before adding it.

2.7.8 - 04/05/2018

  • Fixed - Customized subjet in Quotation emails
  • Fixed - JS issue: widget_shopping_hide_if_empty is not defined
  • Fixed - Add to quote for out of stock products
  • Fixed - WC_Cart::get_item_data is obsolete
  • Improved compatibility with WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips plugin

2.7.7 - 14/02/2018

  • Fixed - Subjet in reminder email
  • Fixed - Contact Form 7 fields lost in budget requests
  • Fixed - styles.scss not found
  • Improved compatibility with the latest versions of WooCommerce

2.7.6 - 24/11/2017

  • Fixed - Quote pagination in 'My Account' area
  • Resend proposal from WooCommerce 'Order action' box
  • Resend proposal reminder from WooCommerce 'Order action' box
  • German translation

2.7.5 - 15/09/2017

  • Fixed - Quote and order list in 'My Account' area

2.7.4 - 6/09/2017

  • Fixed - Avoid validation of shipping fields when the user does not request for a shipping quote

2.7.3 - 5/09/2017

  • Fixed - Contact Form 7 fields are not visible in emails
  • Fixed - Maintain form Contact Form 7 fields after validation notices
  • New setting - Let user´s choice to enable shipping
  • Added WooCommerce cart icon to the function to display the number of items added to the quote
  • Updated translation files

2.7.2 - 16/08/2017

  • Fixed - Visibility of prices in Quotelist for variable products
  • Fixed - Error when accepting  proposals from 'My account' area when 'Pdf invoices & packing  slips' plugin is not active
  • New setting to select where to display Contact Form 7 fields in PDFs

2.7.1 - 04/08/2017

  • Fixed -  Error whe TM extra Product Options is not active
  • Fixed - Attach pdf to accepted and rejected proposals using  'Pdf invoices & packing  slips' plugin

2.7.0 - 03/08/2017

  • Fixed -  Address validation
  • Fixed - Compatibility with last version of 'Pdf invoices & packing  slips' plugin
  • Fixed - TM Extra Product Options, value of the options in the list of products added to the quote
  • Updated translation files


  • Fixed - Quote history in My Account > Quotes. Replaced _wc_get_orders_generate_customer_meta_query() by adq_get_orders_generate_customer_meta_query()


  • Fixed - Shipping issue 'No shipping method has been selected. Please double check your address, or contact us if you need any help'


  • Fixed - Enable/Disable shipping


  • Rebuid shipping. Support for WooCommerce zones and methods, ajax support in  Quotelist page to dinamicaly display the correct methods, option to hide the shipping costs.
  • improved license management via Quotation settings.


  • Fixed - Hide coupons when 'Enable coupons' is unchecked
  • Fixed - Notices and  warnings after last update
  • Fixed - My Account  > Quote details: Fatal error in some installations


  • Fixed error when editing products
  • Fixed widget - Number of items in quote


  • Fixed fatal error after accepting the proposal
  • Fixed notices and warnings after last update


  • Improved license management
  • Core improvements to better integration with WooComerce 3.x


  • Fix - Shortcode: [adq-added-items]
  • Fix - Variable products for WooCommerce 3.0
  • Fix - My Account > My quotes


  • WooCommerce 3.0 fixes
  • New widget, shortcode  and template tag adq-added-items()  to display number of items in the quote
    • Shortcode: [adq-added-items]
    • Template tag: adq-added-items()

2.5.5 version

  • My Account fixes
  • New end point 'my quotes'

2.5 version

  • Woocommerce 2.6 compatibility

2.4.2 version

  • Prices inluding taxes in quotelist support
  • Fix - Quotelist form required fields
  • Rebuilt some core parts for better integration

2.4.0 version

  • Avoid the creation of a new order after accepting/declining the proposal.  (Better usability to interact with proposals and better compatibility with third party plugins)
  • New - Show/hide pay link in email and my account pages for accepted proposals
  • New - Redirect customer to checkout, my account or custom url after accepting or declining the proposal
  • Fix - Update plugin via WordPress backend

2.3.18 version

  • Disabled JS to autorefresh Quotelist page when quatity is changed. Added 'Update Quote' button

2.3.16 version

  • WPML - support using WPML string translations
  • Shipping address in emails using actions
  • Contact Form 7 not saving in Quotation settings

2.3.15 version

  • Fix - Show comments and order metas in all email templates using WooCommerce actions
  • Improvements in email templates
  • Enabled Woocommerce coupons in quotelist page
  • Show the price of products on Quotelist for products that have set the price as visible

2.3.12 version

  • Fix - Shipping missed in proposals after last Woocommerce update
  • Fix - Poscode/Zip is not required for countries with have not Poscode/Zip
  • Multicurrency support
  • Fix- Fixed variable products issue after last Woocommerce update
  • Improved text strings
  • Integrated notices of Contact Form 7 into Woocomerce notices
  • Fix- Contact Form 7: Sender's message was sent successfully is not displayed after submiting a quote
  • Fix - Customer comment in Quotelist page
  • Fix - Quotelist widget: ajax refresh
  • Hidden Quotelist widget when no products in it
  • Fix - Php fatal error when accepting the proposal via email link after last Woocommerce update
  • Fix PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function wc_create_page()  after last Woocommerce update

2.3.6 version

  • Fixed country shipping
  • Improvements in CF7 integration
  • Fixed fatal error after Woocommerce update

2.3.5 version

  • New: Product Bundles extension support
  • Fix: Contact Form chechboxe and select fields
  • Fix: 'Force selec options' in TM Extra Product option extension
  • Quotation Form: Woocommerce layout, two cols

2.2.11 version

  • Fix: Contact Form 7 validation
  • Fix: Translation files
  • 'TM Extra Product Option' plugin compatibility: improvements
  • Quotation Form: Email field visible and required
  • Terms & Conditions: Disabled if there isn´t 'Terms & Conditions' page in woocommerce settings
  • Usability improvements
  • Spanish translation

2.2.8 version

  • Fixed uploads in Contact Form 7
  • Fixed Quotation form
  • Added 'logged in' users in roles fields to quickly configure 'Add to quote', 'Add to cart' and 'Price' visibility

2.2.4 version

  • New setting to display notice under 'Add to quote' button
  • My account > Quote details: Improvements
  • Fixed minor issues

2.1.14 version

  • The 'refresh page issue' has been fixed. The catalog settings did not work in some installations with many taxonomies / terms, we have become more efficient loading taxonomies using Ajax.
  • Notice issue. Fixed.

2.1.13 version

  • Show simple widget version
  • Minor fixes

2.1.11 version

  • New widget: Quote list
  • Contact form 7 in email templates has been fixed
  • 'Select product options' in simple products has been fixed

2.1.9 version

  • Contact Form 7 support: Woocommerce > Quotation > Settings
  • Add to quote visibility per product categories or other custom terms.
  • New feature: Automatic proposal after request
  • New settings: Default validity date (Days before proposal expires)
  • New settings: Default reminder date (Days before reminder mail is send)
  • Fixed ‘Sold indivudually’ option
  • New translation files
  • Added woocommerce_cart_item_thumbnail filter in quote list page
  • Fixed: "The plugin generated 45 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin"
  • Fixed My Account page: Fatal error: Call to a member function populate() on a non-object in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 43
  • Blank price on products. (make sure you do not show the price)
  • Fixed state validation
  • Fixed variable products: 'Select product option' issue

2.0.3 version

  • Rebuild some core parts. More efficient code

1.4.5 version

  • New setting: Custom redirect after submitting a quote
  • Auto refresh after adding a customer note
  • Minor issues. Fixed

1.4.3 version

  • 'Add to quote' visibility for variable products. Fixed
  • Network activation. Fixed
  • Billing form. Fixed

1.3.16 version

  • 'Add to quote' button in grouped products. Fixed
  • Quantity box fixed in quote list page
  • 'Sold Individually' bug. Fixed
  • Fatal error: Call to a member function update_status() ... adq-order-quote.php on line 361. Fixed

1.3.14 version

  • "Product x" was successfully added to quote. Fixed
  • Conflict with Correios plugin. Fixed
  • 'Headers already sent by'. Fixed
  • Tax information in payment redirection screen. Fixed

1.3.8 version

  • New email templates:
    • admin-quote-note.php
    • customer-quote-note.php
  • New settings
    • Allow comments on orders in order detail
    • Display comments on orders in order detail
  • Network activation. FIxed

1.3.5 version

  • Allow customer notes on products in quote list
  • Allow customer notes for the whole RFQ from 'My Account'
  • Remove items from quote list. Fixed
  • Billing form required fields. Fixed

1.2.2 version

  • New settings to configure the quotation form
    Woocommerce > Settings > Quotation > Billing form
  • Quote list page: fixed plus and minus buttons

1.1.5 version

  • Hide original prices and discount. Fixed.
  • Minor issues
  • languages: Polish by Jaro Bielewski

1.1.4 version

  • Accept and decline proposals via Woocommerce backend. New accept and reject buttons in quotation box:
  • 'Table shipping ranges' and third party shipping methods. Fixed.
  • Force Woocommerce Terms & Conditions also on Quote List Page. New setting.
  • Disable Checkout Hooks: Disable some checkout hooks to avoid some plugins actions on Quote List. New setting.
  • Prices for product variations. Fixed.

1.1.2 version

  • Product bulk edition. Fixed price and button visibility
  • Hide original prices and discount. Only display proposed prices. New setting.
  • Shipping methods for quotation. Fixed.

1.1.1 version

  • Cannot modify header information - headers already sent. Fixed

1.1.0 version

  • Save quotation settings. Fixed
  • Backend > oder edit > Add line item. Fixed
  • Notices and warnings fixed

1.0.10 version (02-2015)

  • Fixed hidden visibility for variable products
  • Price, add to cart and add to quote visibility enabled by default
  • Fixed Woocommerce terms and conditions
  • All settings underneath WooCommerce settings
  • Order action box: Resend proposal action only available for 'proposal sent'